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Sample Term Paper Topics

1. The effect of significant future SWU cost reductions on LWR fuel management

2. Engineering measures to increase HLW repository integrity

3. Use of internally cooled annular fuel: Benefits and Costs

4. Molten cermet fuel for advanced reactors

5. Variable-moderator control for advanced PWRs

6. Uranium from seawater

7. Airox recycling of Pb Bi fast reactor fuel into LWRs

8. Advanced burnable poison concepts for LWRs

9. Comparison of thermal and fast spectra for transmutation

10. Models for prediction of uranium resources and costs

11. Measures to increase the proliferation resistance of pebble bed HTGRs

12. Isotopic composition correlations for reactor spent fuels (other lattices, U-Th)

13. Incorporation of a lumped burnable poison into MOCUP

14. A pebble bed HTGR library model for ORIGEN

15. Prospects for very long cycle LWR cores

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