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This section contains the course's reading assignments, which refer to the book Agarwal, Anant, and Jeffrey H. Lang. Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Elsevier, July 2005, ISBN: 1558607358.

R1a Resistors, Sources 1
L1 Introduction, KVL and KCL 1-2
R1 KVL and KCL, Resistor Dividers 2
L2 Node Analysis 3.1-3.3
R2 Node Analysis Examples 3.1-3.3
L3 Linearity and Superposition 3.5
R3 Thevenin and Norton Equivalence 3.6
L4 Digital Abstraction and Logic 5
R4 Digital Logic Examples 5
L5 MOS Switches and Digital Logic 6
R5 MOS Switches and Digital Logic 6
L6 Nonlinear Resistors 4.1-4.3 and 4.5
R6 Nonlinear Resistors 4.1-4.3 and 4.5
L7 Nonlinear Resistors and Small Signals 4.5
R7 Nonlinear Resistors and Small Signals 4.5
L8 Dependent Sources and Amplifiers 7.1-7.4
R8 Amplifiers and Biasing 7.1-7.4
L9 MOS Amplifiers and Biasing 7.4-7.7
R9 MOS Amplifiers and Biasing 7.4-7.7
R9a Evening Quiz
L10 Small-Signal Analysis 8.1-8.2
R10 Small-Signal Analysis 8.1-8.2
L11 Small Signal Circuit Models 8.2.1-8.2.4
R11 Small Signal Circuit Models 8.2.1-8.2.4
L12 RC Networks and Step Responses 9 and 10.1
R12 RL Networks and Step Responses 10.2
L13 Digital Circuit Delay 10.3 and 10.4
R13 Transient Response Relations 10.3 and 10.6
L14 Digital Memory 10.7
R14 Digital Memory, ZIR and ZSR 10.7 and 10.5
L15 LC Networks and Responses 12.1
R15 RLC Networks and Responses 12.2, 12.5 and 12.7
L16 SSS and Frequency Response 13.1 and 13.2
R16 SSS and Frequency Response Examples 13.1-13.4
L17 Impedance and Admittance 13.3
R17 Impedance and Admittance Examples 13.5 and 14.5
L17a Evening Quiz
L18 Filters, RLC Network SSS and Q 14
R18 Time <-> Frequency Response 13.6
L19 Op-Amps and Amplifiers 15.1-15.3
R19 Op-Amps Inverting Amp 15.1-15.3
L20 Add, Sub, Int and Diff 15.5-15.6
R20 Op-Amp Circuits and D-To-A 15.5-15.6
L21 Positive Feedback 15.7-15.8
R21 Op-Amp Filters 15.6
L22 Energy and Power in Digital Logic 6.10 and 11
R22 MOS Differential Amplifiers 8.2
L23 Intro to CMOS 11
R23 CMOS Examples 11.4-11.5
L24 Diodes and Power Electronics 16.1-16.3
R24 Diodes, RC and LC Networks 16.4-16.5
L25 Violating the Abstraction Barrier 1 and Appendix A
R25 Review 1-16