21H.466 Imperial and Revolutionary Russia, 1800-1917

Fall 2002

Three Generations. Photo by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii, 1910.
Three Generations. Photo courtesy of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii, 1910. Grandfather has traditional Russian dress and beard styles; his son and granddaughter display more Westernized, modern dress and hair styles. (Photo courtesy of Library of Congress, The Empire That Was Russia exhibit [reproduction number LC-DIG-ppmsc-03952].)

Course Highlights

A full list of questions for response papers and discussions is available for this course. A sample final examination is also included. This course also features archived syllabi from various semesters.

Course Description

This subject analyzes Russia's social, cultural, political heritage; Eurasian imperialism; and autocracy. It compares reforming and revolutionary impulses in the context of serfdom, the rise of the intelligentsia, and debates over capitalism. This class focuses on historical and literary texts, and especially the intersections between the two.
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Prof. Elizabeth Wood

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session

