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Amazon logo The given readings are from the course textbook: Reed-Hill, R. E., and R. Abbaschian. Physical Metallurgy Principles. 3rd ed. Boston: PWS-Kent, 1991. ISBN: 9780534921736.

1 Overview  
Part I. Deformation in Pure Metals
2 Background Material Chap. 1 and 3
3 Dislocation Structure Chap. 4.1-4.8
4 Dislocation Structure (cont.) Chap. 4.9-4.14
5 Inter-dislocation Forces Chap. 4 and 5.1
6 Crystallographic Orientation and Dislocation Behavior Chap. 5.2-5.16
7 Work Hardening Chap. 5.17-5.23
8 Twinning Chap. 17.1-17.12
Part II. Thermal Effects on Pure Metal Structure and Properties
9 Thermal Effects Chap. 8.1-8.3 and 4.8
10 Ensemble Effects Chap. 8.4-8.12
11 Exam I  
12 The Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov Equation Chap. 8.13-8.19
Part III. Alloying
13 Solid-Solution Alloys Chap. 9.1-9.7
14 Dislocation-Solute Interactions Chap. 9.8-9.15
15 Precipitation - Part 1 Chap. 16.1-16.6
16 Precipitation - Part 2 Chap. 16.6-16.10
17 Precipitation - Part 3 Chap. 16
18 Alloy Strengthening

Quiz II
19 Ductility and Toughness Chap. 21.1-21.6
20 Cracking Chap. 21.6-21.11
21 Fatigue Strength and Failure Chap. 21.12-21.22
Part IV. Specific Engineering Alloys
22 Phase Transformations Chap. 18
23 Applications of Course Concepts Chap. 19 and parts of Chap. 17
24 Exam II  
25 Student's Choice of Alloy Systems