Lecture Notes
Below is a selection of lecture notes that approximate chronologically the topics and themes listed on the calendar.
Lec # | TOPICS |
1-2 | Introduction and a First Application: The Minimum Wage Debate and Causal Inference in Economics (PDF) |
3 | Axioms of Consumer Preference and the Theory of Choice (PDF) |
4 | Theory of Choice and Individual Demand (PDF) |
5 | The Expenditure Function: An Application to the Economics of Food Stamps (PDF) |
6 | Demand Functions, Income Effects and Substitution Effects: Theory and Evidence (PDF) |
Compensated Demand in Logs (PDF) | |
7 | Sugar Quota: Applying Consumer Theory to Competitive Markets (PDF) |
8 | Taxation: Revealed Preference and Consumer Welfarer (PDF) |
9 | General Equilibrium in a Pure Exchange Economy (PDF) |
10 | International Trade and the Principle of Comparative Advantage (PDF) |
11 | Uncertainty, Expected Utility Theory and the Market for Risk (PDF) |
12 | The Demand for Abortion: An Application of Expected Utility Theory (PDF) |
13 | Safety Regulation and Value of a Statistical Life (PDF) |
14 | Private Information, Adverse Selection and Market Failure (PDF) |
15 | Adverse Selection, Risk Aversion and Insurance Markets (PDF) |
16 | Education, Human Capital and Job Market Signaling (PDF) |
17 | Externalities, the Coase Theorem and Market Remedies (PDF) |