This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at

Archived Versions


Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session

Labs: 1 session every 2 weeks, 2 hours / session


This course provides an in-depth technical and policy analysis of various options for the nuclear fuel cycle. Topics include uranium supply, enrichment fuel fabrication, in-core physics and fuel management of uranium, thorium and other fuel types, reprocessing and waste disposal. Also covered are the principles of fuel cycle economics and the applied reactor physics of both contemporary and proposed thermal and fast reactors. Nonproliferation aspects, disposal of excess weapons plutonium, and transmutation of actinides and selected fission products in spent fuel are examined. Several state-of-the-art computer programs are provided for student use in problem sets and term papers.

Grading Policy

Homework 30%
Laboratory 20%
Mid-Term Presentation 10%
Term Paper 30%
End of Term Presentation 10%



1 Noteworthy Aspects and Issues Related to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Kazimi  
2 The Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Kazimi  
3 Thermal Considerations in Fuel Cycle Management Kazimi Homework 1 due
4 Design Criteria Physics Pilat  
5 Objectives (Output) of Reactor Analysis CALCS Pilat

Homework 2 due

Lab 1 due one day after Lec #5

6 Reactivity and Burnable Poison Pilat  

Fuel Cost Calculations

How Fuel Cost Raises

Pilat Homework 3 due
8 Fuel Cycle and Operations Economics Pilat  
9 An Overview of the ACR Design Pilat

Homework 4 due

Lab 2 due one day after Lec #9

10 Fast Reactor Physics and Fuel Management M. J. Driscoll Homework 5 due
11 HTGR Pilat  
12 High Level Wastes of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Kazimi Lab 3 due one day after Lec #12
13 High Level Waste 2 Kazimi Homework 6 due
  Initial Project Presentations Kazimi, Pilat  
  Initial Project Presentations (cont.) Kazimi, Pilat Homework 7 due
14 Early Graphite Reactors and the Windscale and Chernobyl Accidents Pilat Lab 4 due three days after Lec #14
15 Modeling Fuel Behavior AR Homework 8 due
16 Nuclear Non-proliferation Kazimi  
17 Non-proliferation, Safeguards, and Export Controls M. Bunn  
18 Thorium as a Nuclear Fuel Pilat Lab 5 due one day after Lec #18
19 Pu Recycle in LWRs Kazimi  
20 Proliferation-resistance (and Terror-resistance) of Nuclear Energy Systems M. Bunn  
21 Nuclear Fuel Design and Manufacturing G. Dooley

Lab 6 due one day after Lec #21

Term paper

22 Transmutation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Kazimi  
  Term Paper Presentations Kazimi, Pilat  
  Term Paper Presentations (cont.) Kazimi, Pilat