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Archived Versions


1 Introduction (all)  
Part I: Continuum methods (Raúl Radovitzky)
2 Analysis; formulation of discrete mathematical models  
3 Continuous systems Homework 1 out
4 Weighted residual and weak formulations  
5 Energy formulations and the Ritz method  
6 The finite element method (part I) Homework 1 in
7 The finite element method (part II)  
8 The finite element method (part III)  
9 The finite element method (part IV) Homework 2 out
10 The finite element method (part V) Homework 2 in
11 Quiz 1 Quiz 1
Part II: Atomistic and molecular methods (Markus Buehler)
12 Introduction to atomistic modeling  
13 Basic statistical mechanics  
14 Basic molecular dynamics  
15 Interatomic potential and force field Homework 3 out
16 Interatomic potential and force field (cont.) Homework 3 in
17 Application to mechanics of materials: brittle materials Homework 4 out
18 Application to mechanics of materials: ductile materials Homework 4 in
19 Review  
20 Quiz 2 Quiz 2
Part III: Quantum mechanical methods (Timo Thonhauser)
21 The theory of quantum mechanics  
22 Practice makes perfect Homework 5 out
23 From many-body to single-particle: quantum modeling of molecules  
24 From atoms to solids Homework 5 in, Homework 6 out
25 Quantum modeling of solids: basic properties of materials Homework 6 due
26 Quantum modeling of solids: advanced properties of materials  
27 What else can we do?