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Jackson, Jean. "Helpful Points for Written Assignments." (PDF)

Cohen, Joshua. "Some Rules of Thumb for Writing Papers." (PDF) (Courtesy of Joshua Cohen. Used with permission.)

Essay 1 (PDF)

7+ pages
Handed out: Ses #3
Choice of cases discussed in class: Ses #7
First draft due: Ses #9

This assignment is intended to get you thinking more comprehensively about the analytic terms we are using in this course—thinking more like social scientists. Choose a definition of identity. There are several easily available: Eriksen, Nagel and Wade discuss it (looking in the index of a book is a great time saver). Then compare Gladney's case study with one or two examples of ethnic and/or national identity chosen by you. Keep in mind that both individual identity and collective identity will be involved. You may choose your other case/s from the course reading (e.g., Nagel).

First, briefly describe your two or three cases with respect to identity. Then compare them: what are the similarities between the two or three identities? Differences? Then briefly describe what historical factors might have been important in bringing about the current situation.

If relevant, you may discuss how legislation and state policy have led to the objectification and, in some cases, creation, of identity in the one or two cases you've chosen—as happened with the Hui. Gladney refers to this process as ethnogenesis, and cites anthropologist Bernard Cohn (1987), who suggests that legal statuses can lead to the objectification and, in some cases, creation, of identities—perhaps previously present but loosely defined (p. 159).

Or you may find that your case(s) provide an example where ethnic/national conflict helped create, strengthen or weaken the identity. Eriksen provides other types of explanations for ethnic/national identity formation which might apply to your analysis. Depending on the sources you choose, you might also find it useful to discuss how your authors differ in their analyses and explanations.

Please see the "Rules of Thumb" and "Helpful points for written assignments" linked above, and take them seriously. Important: do not write in terms of "shoulds" or "oughts." Think in terms of describing and analyzing what is—what exists. If you have opinions, tell the reader about them only in the last paragraph. You must back up everything you say with evidence. Do not make unsupported assertions. If you are not clear about what this means, even after reading the "Rules of Thumb" and "Helpful Points," then ask me.

A note on sources: scholarly literature on whatever case(s) you choose is easily available. One or two books will provide enough information. You may include encyclopedia, magazine, and newspaper sources. Some of these will be biased; you may still use them, just provide a brief comment about why you think what the author says is more opinion than fact. If you have trouble choosing your case(s), consult the articles under "supplemental reading" at the website for inspiration.

This is a 7-page (or more) assignment, so obviously you cannot provide a thorough discussion of your two or three cases. Your analysis will be partial, which is fine; the main purpose of this assignment is to get you to understand processes of ethnic and/or national identity formation more deeply.

Essay 2 (PDF)

7+ pages
Handed out: Ses #11
Topics discussed in class: Ses #13
First draft due: Ses #15
Final draft due: Ses #19

Choose three cases of violent ethnic conflict taking place in the world today or in very recent history. The cases may be any of the types described in the lecture for Ses #10-11. Describe the present situation, providing some history. Describe how your sources (the authors you cite) analyze the causes of the conflicts. Then compare the conflicts, paying particular attention to the literature you cite. If you can, comment on the authors' presentations of the cases.

You must cite four authors in addition to at least two authors in the course syllabus. You may, but do not have to, select one or two cases from course readings. No judgmental language or opinions of your own (about who is right, more moral, etc.) until the final paragraph.

Essay 3 (PDF)

7+ pages
Topics discussed in class: Ses #19
First draft due (optional): Ses #20
First draft handed back: Ses #22
Final draft due: Ses #24
Formal presentation: Ses #26

Throughout most of the 20th century ethnic identity and nationalism were seen as diminishing in importance, a consequence of globalization, transnational forces (e.g., labor migration, refugees), the development of supra-state institutions (the U.N., the European Union), and the spread of modernity throughout the world. Clearly this prediction was wrong. Your assignment is to write about one or two of the explanations discussed in this course as to why it was wrong. You will select two cases to illustrate your analysis.

Choose a process that can be seen to directly or indirectly foster the maintenance (or emergence) of strong ethnic/national sentiments and behaviors. Examples include multiculturalism, new social movements based on identity ("identity politics"), culture and heritage recovery projects, the disturbing increase in ethnic/national/religious conflict, globalization, neoliberalism, the information revolution, international trade agreements like NAFTA. Then choose your two cases. You can also decide on the two cases first and then choose the one or two processes you want to analyze.

One of your cases can come from class readings, but no more. You will be halfway to the finish line when you have chosen the process(es) and your two cases. Part of this assignment's purpose is to help you sharpen your skills with respect to locating scholarly sources and presenting a cogent, convincing argument.

I'll work with each of you to make sure you've got a good plan. But you need to make the initial choices. If you're stumped, the course readings may provide an inspiration, especially those at the beginning (e.g., Eriksen). Or talk with/write to me. Be sure to discuss your choice(s) with me as soon as you've chosen them.

Example 1: Examination of ethnic identity and nationalism in two Caribbean countries, looking at the development of an ideology of pluralist nations. This essay might look at how the notion of "nation" has been de-coupled from its usual meaning of a single "people." Your conclusions would not claim to speak for the entire Caribbean area, but you certainly could suggest some generalizations that would likely emerge from additional research.

Example 2: The rise of ethnic/national identity in two of the former Soviet states in the Baltic region.

There are hundreds of possible topics. As always, it's best to pick cases you're especially interested in.