This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at



A list of topics by session may be found in the calendar below.

Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session

Recitations: 1 session / week, 1.5 hours / session


This course covers three sets of topics. The first part will cover business cycle models with imperfect information. We will ask questions such as:

  • What shocks drive business cycles?
  • What is the relative role of shocks to fundamentals and shocks affecting expectations about (current and future) economic developments?
  • How do informational frictions affect the shape of the responses to various shocks?

The second part will cover models of investment with credit constraints. We will ask questions such as:

  • What is the transmission mechanism from shocks to the financial sector to the real economy?
  • What determines optimal decisions about capitalization at the individual and at the social level?

The third part will cover search models of decentralized trade applied both to labor markets and to financial markets. In particular, the models will have informational imperfections.


The prerequisites for this course are 14.122 Microeconomic Theory II and 14.452 Economic Growth.


There are no required textbooks for this course. See readings for relevant books and articles.


The grade for each part is weighted equally in determining the overall grade.

Part I - Prof. Guido Lorenzoni

Problem sets 30%
Mid-term exam 70%


Part II - Prof. Veronica Guerrieri

Problem sets 30%
Final exam 70%


Part I - Prof. Guido Lorenzoni

1. Information and business cycles
1-2 News about the future and fluctuations Problem set 1 out in Ses #2
3-6 Dispersed information Problem set 1 due in Ses #5
7-8 Estimating models with imperfect information Problem set 2 out in Ses #7
2. Financial frictions and investment
9-10 Models with limited pledgeability Problem set 2 due in Ses #10
11-12 Models with corporate control problems  
13 Models with intermediation and securitization  
  Mid-term exam  


Part II - Prof. Veronica Guerrieri

3. Search models of decentralized trade with imperfect information
14-18 Labor market search and efficiency Problem set 3 out in Ses #18
19 Wage dispersion  
20 Moral hazard and optimal unemployment insurance Problem set 3 due
21-23 Money search and liquidity Problem set 4 out in Ses #23
24 Adverse selection and lemons problem  
25-26 Decentralized trading in financial markets Problem set 4 due in Ses #26
  Final exam