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Function: Force and Motion

  1. Structural Elements:
    • Filaments, Microtubules, Growth and Dynamic Instability
    • Membranes, Lipid Bilayers, Bending Rigidity, Fluctuations and Shapes
  2. Protein Motors:
    • Kinesin, Dyenin, Myosin, RNA Polymeraze, ...
    • Energetics and Forces from ATP Hydrolysis
    • Ratchet models of motor transport
    • Asymmetric Hopping Models
  3. Forcing DNA/RNA:
    • Injection and Packaging of Viral Genomes
    • Modelling Polymer Translocation
  4. Cell Motility:
    • Constraints on Motion at Low Reynolds Number
    • Brownian Motion
    • Chemotaxis, Biased Random Walks
    • Propulsion by Actin Polymerization