1 | Introduction Probability density, Cumulative probability | P: One Random Variable (1st half) |
2 | Probability examples, Averages, Poisson distribution | P: One Random Variable (2nd half) |
3 | Two random variables, Conditional probability | P: Two Random Variables (1st half) |
4 | Poisson distribution derived, jointly Gaussian random variables | P: Two Random Variables (2nd half) |
5 | Functions of a Random Variable | P: Functions of a Random Variable (1st half) |
6 | Functions of a Random Variable (more than one) | P: Functions of a Random Variable (2nd half) |
7 | Summation and convolution | P: Sums of Random Variables |
8 | Central Limit Theorem | P: Central Limit Theorem |
9 | Introduction to Thermodynamics, Zeroth Law, Empirical temperature | A: Ch. 1, 2 TS: pg. 1-3 |
10 | Temperature scale, Work | A: Ch. 1, 2 |
11 | Exact differentials, First Law of Thermodynamics | A: Ch. 3.1-3.6 |
12 | Ideal gas, Adiabatic path | B: Ch. 1 |
13 | Phase space, Equal a priori probabilities | |
14 | Microcanonical Ensemble, Entropy | B: Ch. 2, 4.3 ME: Sections 1-3 |
15 | Second Law of Thermodynamics, Examples using entropy | B: Ch 2. 4.3 ME: Sections 4-6 |
16 | Two level system | ME: Section 7 |
17 | Entropy as a state function | |
18 | Maxwell relations, Thermodynamic potentials | A: Ch. 7 MR: pg. 1-5 |
19 | Equivalent statements of the Second Law, Carnot Engine | B: Ch. 3 |
20 | Refrigerator, Heat pump, Other examples | A: Ch. 4 CE: pg. 1-4 |
21 | Canonical Ensemble, Boltzmann probability, Partition function | B: Ch. 5.1-5.2 |
22 | Monoatomic ideal gas calculation | B: Ch. 5.4-5.8 |
23 | Two level system | B: Ch. 5.2 |
24 | Equipartition, Polyatomic gas, Vibration & quantum harmonic oscillator | B: Ch. 13 |
25 | Finish harmonic oscillator, Molecular rotations | B: Ch. 13 |
26 | Finish rotations, Maxwell distribution | B: Ch. 13 |
27 | Paramagnetism | B: Ch. 5.2, 14.1-14.3 |
28 | Adiabatic demagnetism, 3rd Law of Thermodynamics, Thermal radiation | B: Ch. 14.4, 6 |
29 | Blackbody thermodynamics, Stephan-Boltzmann Law, Counting Modes | B: Ch. 6 |
30 | Classical and quantum blackbody u (ω,T) | B: Ch. 6 |
31 | Chemical potential | B: Ch. 7 |
32 | Indistinguishable particles, Symmetric vs. antisymmetric | B: Ch. 8 |
33 | Occupation number, Fermi gas | B: Ch. 8 |
34 | Fermi gas II | B: Ch. 9 |
35 | Neutron star | B: Ch. 9 |
36 | Bose-Einstein Condensation | B: Ch. 9 |
37 | Finish Bose-Einstein Condensation, Summary | B: Ch. 9 |
Final Exam |