Now showing items 4-6 of 22

    • Improving Impulse Audio Source Separation using Generative Adversarial Networks for Phase Estimation 

      Piercy, Phoebe (2021-04)
      Audio files corresponding to the thesis on audio source separation using GAN phase estimation. They demonstrate various attempted methods to separate tactical impulse noise from speech and drum impulse noise from music, ...
    • Interactive Spider Web Sonification Recordings 

      Su, Isabelle (2021)
      Video recordings related to the thesis "Imaging, Mechanics, Construction, and Sonification of Three-Dimensional Spider Webs”. The videos include demonstrations of the interactive 3D spider web sonification model and excerpts ...
    • Spider Web Sonification Recordings 

      Su, Isabelle (2021)
      Sonification recordings of 3D spider web data related to the thesis "Imaging, Mechanics, Construction, and Sonification of Three-Dimensional Spider Webs". This sonification allows a more holistic comprehension of the complex ...