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dc.contributor.authorCastelló Ferrer, Eduardo
dc.description.abstractSwarms of robots will revolutionize many industrial applications, from targeted material delivery to precision farming. However, several of the heterogeneous characteristics that make them ideal for certain future applications --- robot autonomy, decentralized control, collective emergent behavior, etc. --- hinder the evolution of the technology from academic institutions to real-world problems. Blockchain, an emerging technology originated in the Bitcoin field, demonstrates that by combining peer-to-peer networks with cryptographic algorithms a group of agents can reach an agreement on a particular state of affairs and record that agreement without the need for a controlling authority. The combination of blockchain with other distributed systems, such as robotic swarm systems, can provide the necessary capabilities to make robotic swarm operations more secure, autonomous, flexible and even profitable. This work explains how blockchain technology can provide innovative solutions to four emergent issues in the swarm robotics research field. New security, decision making, behavior differentiation and business models for swarm robotic systems are described by providing case scenarios and examples. Finally, limitations and possible future problems that arise from the combination of these two technologies are described.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0*
dc.subjectSwarm Roboticsen_US
dc.subjectDecentralised Systemsen_US
dc.subjectBitcoin Economyen_US
dc.subjectRobot Cooperationen_US
dc.subjectSecurity Protocolsen_US
dc.titleThe blockchain: a new framework for robotic swarm systemsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Media Laboratory

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