Now showing items 4-6 of 6

    • Enriques diagrams, arbitrarily near points, and Hilbert schemes 

      Kleiman, Steven L.; Piene, Ragni; Tyomkin, Ilya (European Mathematical Society, 2011-09)
      Given a smooth family F/Y of geometrically irreducible surfaces, we study sequences of arbitrarily near T-points of F/Y; they generalize the traditional sequences of infinitely near points of a single smooth surface. We ...
    • The Development of Intersection Homology Theory 

      Kleiman, Steven L. (American Society for Microbiology, 2008-06)
      This historical introduction is in two parts. The first is reprinted with permission from "A century of mathematics in America, Part II," Hist. Math., 2, Amer. Math. Soc., 1989, pp.543-585. Virtually no change has been ...
    • The Canonical Model of a Singular Curve 

      Kleiman, Steven L.; Vidal Martins, Renato (Springer, 2009-04)
      We give re fined statements and modern proofs of Rosenlicht's re- sults about the canonical model C′ of an arbitrary complete integral curve C. Notably, we prove that C and C′ are birationally equivalent if and only if ...