Now showing items 40-42 of 66

    • Prediction and prevention of disproportionally dominant agents in complex networks 

      Lera, Sandro Claudio; Pentland, Alex; Sornette, Didier (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020-11-03)
      We develop an early warning system and subsequent optimal intervention policy to avoid the formation of disproportional dominance (“winner takes all,” WTA) in growing complex networks. This is modeled as a system of ...
    • Looking for a better future: modeling migrant mobility 

      Loaiza Saa, Isabella; Novak, Matej; Morales, Alfredo J.; Pentland, Alex (Applied Network Science, 2020-09-22)
      Massive migrations have become increasingly prevalent over the last decades. A recent example is the Venezuelan migration crisis across South America, which particularly affects neighboring countries like Colombia. Creating ...
    • Diversity of Idea Flows and Economic Growth 

      Pentland, Alex (Journal of Social Computing, 2020-09)
      What role does access to diverse ideas play in economic growth? New forms of geo-located communications and economic data allow measurement of human interaction patterns and prediction of economic outcomes for individuals, ...