Now showing items 7-9 of 66

    • How data governance technologies can democratize data sharing for community well-being 

      Wu, Dan; Verhulst, Stefaan G.; Pentland, Alex; Avila, Thiago; Finch, Kelsey; e.a. (Data & Policy, 2021-07-13)
      Data sharing efforts to allow underserved groups and organizations to overcome the concentration of power in our data landscape. A few special organizations, due to their data monopolies and resources, are able to decide ...
    • A partial knowledge of friends of friends speeds social search 

      Elsisy, Amr; Szymanski, Boleslaw K.; Plum, Jasmine A.; Qi, Miao; Pentland, Alex (PLoS ONE, 2021-08-19)
      Milgram empirically showed that people knowing only connections to their friends could locate any person in the U.S. in a few steps. Later research showed that social network topology enables a node aware of its full routing ...
    • Understanding collective regularity in human mobility as a familiar stranger phenomenon 

      Leng, Yan; Santistevan, Dominiquo; Pentland, Alex (Scientific Reports, 2021-09-30)
      Beyond the physical structures that contain daily routines, urban city dwellers repeatedly encounter strangers that similarly shape their environments. Familiar strangers are neither formal acquaintances nor completely ...