Now showing items 1-20 of 29

    • Experiences and challenges with using CERT data to analyze international cyber security. 

      Madnick, Stuart E.; Li, Xitong; Choucri, Nazli (© Elsevier B.V., 2009-09)
      With the increasing interconnection of computer networks and sophistication of cyber attacks, it is important to understand the dynamics of such situations, especially in regards to cyber international relations. The ...
    • Untangling attribution 

      Clark, David D.; Landau, Susan (© National Academy of Sciences, 2010-01-01)
      In February 2010, former NSA Director Mike McConnell wrote that, “We need to develop an early- warning system to monitor cyberspace, identify intrusions and locate the source of attacks with a trail of evidence that can ...
    • The prevalence of descriptive referring expressions in news and narrative 

      Hervaś, Raquel; Finlayson, Mark Alan (© Association for Computational Linguistics, 2010-07-11)
      Generating referring expressions is a key step in Natural Language Generation. Researchers have focused almost exclusively on generating distinctive referring expressions, that is, referring expressions that uniquely ...
    • Mixed context and privacy 

      Sowell, Jesse (© TRPC, 2010-08-15)
      Users engaging online service providers (OSPs) such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook encounter environments architected by a single actor (the OSP), but comprised of content and executable elements potentially provided by ...
    • The problem isn't attribution: It's multi-stage attacks 

      Clark, David D.; Landau, Susan (© Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2010-11-30)
      As a result of increasing spam, DDoS attacks, cybercrime, and data exfiltration from corporate and government sites, there have been multiple calls for an Internet architecture that enables better network attribution at ...
    • Computational representations of high profile international cyber incidents 

      Hurwitz, Roger; Winston, Patrick Henry (© International Studies Association, 2011-03-16)
      Several high profile incidents have shaped both popular and government understanding of international cyber conflicts. One of the most iconic is the distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) on Estonian government, media ...
    • The Story workbench: An extensible semi-automatic text annotation tool 

      Finlayson, Mark Alan (© Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2011-10-09)
      Text annotations are of great use to researchers in the language sciences, and much effort has been invested in creating annotated corpora for an wide variety of purposes. Unfortunately, software support for these corpora ...
    • Corpus annotation in service of intelligent narrative technologies 

      Finlayson, Mark Alan (© Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2011-10-09)
      Annotated corpora have stimulated great advances in the language sciences. The time is ripe to bring that same stimulation, and consequent benefits, to computational approaches to narrative. I describe an effort to construct ...
    • Mechanism design with set-theoretic beliefs 

      Chen, Jing; Micali, Silvio (© IEEE, 2011-10-22)
      In settings of incomplete information, we put forward (1) a very conservative -- indeed, purely set-theoretic -- model of the beliefs (including totally wrong ones) that each player may have about the payoff types of his ...
    • Comparative analysis of cybersecurity metrics to develop new hypotheses 

      Madnick, Stuart E.; Choucri, Nazli; Li, Xitong; Ferwerda, Jeremy (© Elsevier B.V., 2011-11)
      Few Internet security organizations provide comprehensive, detailed, and reliable quantitative metrics, especially in the international perspective across multiple countries, multiple years, and multiple categories. As ...
    • The strong story hypothesis and the directed perception hypothesis 

      Winston, Patrick Henry (© Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2011-11-03)
      I ask why humans are smarter than other primates, and I hypothesize that an important part of the answer lies in what I call the Strong Story Hypothesis, which holds that story telling and understanding have a central role ...
    • International data exchange and a trustworthy host: Focal areas for international collaboration in research and education 

      Mallery, John C. (BIC Annual Forum, 2011-11-29)
      A key message is the acknowledgement that international cooperation is nascent and a more global approach is urgently needed because there is ultimately just one, single global information environment, consisting of the ...
    • Taking care: Four takes on the cyber steward 

      Hurwitz, Roger (Canada Centre for Global Security Studies (Canada Centre) at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, 2012-03-18)
      Stewardship denotes a custodial, non-proprietary relationship to a resource or domain. The notion of a “cyber steward” resonates with those of us who regard cyberspace as a commons or domain that belongs to no one, and yet ...
    • Empirical studies of bottom-up internet governance 

      Sowell, Jesse (© TRPC, 2012-03-31)
      The notion of bottom-up governance in the Internet is not new, but the precise underlying mechanisms have received little primary, empirical study. The majority of Internet governance literature is couched in contrasting ...
    • The role of cyberspace in international relations: A view of the literature 

      Reardon, Robert; Choucri, Nazli (© International Studies Association, 2012-04-01)
      This paper reviews the literature on cyber international relations of the previous decade. The review covers all journal articles on the role of cyberspace and information technology that appeared in 26 major policy, ...
    • Rational proofs 

      Azar, Pablo Daniel; Micali, Silvio (© Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2012-05-19)
      We study a new type of proof system, where an unbounded prover and a polynomial time verifier interact, on inputs a string x and a function f , so that the Verifier may learn f (x). The novelty of our setting is that there ...
    • Story retrieval and comparison using concept patterns 

      Krakauer, Caryn E.; Winston, Patrick Henry (© The Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012-05-26)
      Traditional story comparison uses key words to determine similarity. However, the use of key words misses much of what makes two stories alike. The method we have developed use high level concept patterns, which are comprised ...
    • Sets of signals, information flow, and folktales 

      Finlayson, Mark Alan (© Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012-06-01)
      I apply Barwise and Seligman’s theory of information flow to understand how sets of signals can carry information. More precisely I focus on the case where the information of interest is not present in any individual signal, ...
    • A view of top-down internet governance 

      Sowell, Jesse (© NANOG, 2012-06-04)
      Does the audience want more government and regulatory involvement in peering and interconnection world?
    • Cyber international relations as an integrated system 

      Vaishnav, Chintan; Choucri, Nazli; Clark, David D. (© INCOSE, 2012-06-18)
      International Relations (IR) – whether in pursuit of wealth or power – have been traditionally predicated upon the dominance of the State and the effectiveness of geographical boundaries. The Internet has shattered these ...