Now showing items 1-3 of 39

    • 21F.101 Chinese I (Regular), Fall 2004 

      Wheatley, Julian K. (2004-12)
      Introduction to modern standard Chinese (Mandarin) with emphasis on developing conversational skills by using fundamental grammatical patterns and vocabulary in functional and cultural suitable contexts. Basic reading and ...
    • 21F.065 / 21F.593 Japanese Literature and Cinema, Spring 2006 

      Condry, Ian (2006-06)
      This course includes surveys for both cinematic and literary representations of diverse eras and aspects of Japanese culture such as the classical era, the samurai age, wartime Japan and the atomic bombings, social change ...
    • 21F.730 Twentieth and Twentyfirst-Century Spanish American Literature, Spring 2003 

      Garrels, Elizabeth (2003-06)
      Este semestre la materia combina obras ya canonizadas de finales del siglo XIX y del XX con algunas obras de reciente aparición. De los géneros literarios, vemos poesía, el cuento corto, la novela y ...