Development of models for the sodium version of the two-phase three dimensional thermal hydraulics code THERMIT
Wilson, Gregory James; Kazimi, Mujid S.
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Show full item recordAbstract
Several different models and correlations were developed
and incorporated in the sodium version of THERMIT, a thermal-
hydraulics code written at MIT for the purpose of analyzing
transients under LMFBR conditions. This includes: a mechanism
for the inclusion of radial heat conduction in the sodium coolant
as well as radial heat loss to the structure surrounding the test
section. The fuel rod conduction scheme was modified to allow
for more flexibility in modelling the gas plenum regions and
fuel restructuring. The formulas for mass and momentum exchange
between the liquid and vapor phases were improved. The single
phase and two phase friction factors were replaced by correlations
more appropriate to LMFBR assembly geometry.
The models incorporated in THERMIT were tested by running
the code to simulate the results of the THORS Bundle 6A experiments
performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The results demonstrate
the increased accuracy provided by the inclusion of these effects.
Date issued
MIT Energy Laboratory
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Series/Report no.
Two-phase flow |x Mathematical models, Nuclear fuel elements |x Computer programs, Liquid metal fast breeder reactors, Sodium cooled reactors