16.01-04 Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV, Fall 2003-Spring 2004
Hall, Steven Ray; Coleman, Charles P; Drela, Mark; Lundqvist, Ingrid Kristina; Spearing, S Mark; Waitz, Ian A; Young, Peter W; ... Show more Show less
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Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV
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The basic objective of Unified is to give a solid understanding of the fundamental disciplines of aerospace engineering, as well as their interrelationships and applications. These disciplines are Materials and Structures (M); Computers and Programming (C); Fluid Mechanics (F); Thermodynamics and Propulsion (T); and Signals and Systems (S). In choosing to teach these subjects in a unified manner, we seek to explain the common intellectual threads in these disciplines, as well as their combined application to solve engineering Systems Problems (SP). Throughout the year we will endeavor to point out the connections among the disciplines.
Date issued
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Aeronautics and AstronauticsOther identifiers
local: 16.01-04
local: IMSCP-MD5-9ead49edc26b9362e52ca49ce9b7a091
Unified, Unified Engineering, aerospace, CDIO, C-D-I-O, conceive, design, implement, operate, team, team-based, discipline, materials, structures, materials and structures, computers, programming, computers and programming, fluids, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, propulsion, signals, systems, signals and systems, systems problems, fundamentals, technical communication, graphical communication, communication, reading, research, experimentation, personal response system, prs, active learning, First law, first law of thermodynamics, thermo-mechanical, energy, energy conversion, aerospace power systems, propulsion systems, aerospace propulsion systems, heat, work, thermal efficiency, forms of energy, energy exchange, processes, heat engines, engines, steady-flow energy equation, energy flow, flows, path-dependence, path-independence, reversibility, irreversibility, state, thermodynamic state, performance, ideal cycle, simple heat engine, cycles, thermal pressures, temperatures, linear static networks, loop method, node method, linear dynamic networks, classical methods, state methods, state concepts, dynamic systems, resistive circuits, sources, voltages, currents, Thevinin, Norton, initial value problems, RLC networks, characteristic values, characteristic vectors, transfer function, ada, ada programming, programming language, software systems, programming style, computer architecture, program language evolution, classification, numerical computation, number representation systems, assembly, SimpleSIM, RISC, CISC, operating systems, single user, multitasking, multiprocessing, domain-specific classification, recursive, execution time, fluid dynamics, fluids, physical properties of a fluid, fluid flow, mach, reynolds, conservation, conservation principles, conservation of mass, conservation of momentum, conservation of energy, continuity, inviscid, steady flow, simple bodies, airfoils, wings, channels, aerodynamics, forces, moments, equilibrium, freebody diagram, free-body, free body, planar force systems, equipollent systems, equipollence, support reactions, reactions, static determinance, determinate systems, truss analysis, trusses, method of joints, method of sections, statically indeterminate, three great principles, 3 great principles, indicial notation, rotation of coordinates, coordinate rotation, stress, extensional stress, shear stress, notation, plane stress, stress equilbrium, stress transformation, mohr, mohr's circle, principal stress, principal stresses, extreme shear stress, strain, extensional strain, shear strain, strain-displacement, compatibility, strain transformation, transformation of strain, mohr's circle for strain, principal strain, extreme shear strain, uniaxial stress-strain, material properties, classes of materials, bulk material properties, origin of elastic properties, structures of materials, atomic bonding, packing of atoms, atomic packing, crystals, crystal structures, polymers, estimate of moduli, moduli, composites, composite materials, modulus limited design, material selection, materials selection, measurement of elastic properties, stress-strain, stress-strain relations, anisotropy, orthotropy, measurements, engineering notation, Hooke, Hooke's law, general hooke's law, equations of elasticity, boundary conditions, multi-disciplinary, models, engineering systems, experiments, investigations, experimental error, design evaluation, evaluation, trade studies, effects of engineering, social context, engineering drawings, 16.01, 16.02, 16.03, 16.04, 16.01, 16.02, 16.03, 16.04