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dc.contributor.authorRzepniewski, Adam K.
dc.contributor.authorHardt, David E.
dc.description.abstractCycle-to-cycle control is a method for using feedback to improve product quality for processes that are inaccessible within a single processing cycle. This limitation stems from the impossibility or the prohibitively high cost of placing sensors and actuators that could facilitate control during, or within, the process cycle. Our previous work introduced cycle to cycle control for single input-single output systems, and here it is extended to multiple input-multiple output systems. Gain selection, stability, and process noise amplification results are developed and compared with those obtained by previous researchers, showing good agreement. The limitation of imperfect knowledge of the plant model is then imposed. This is consistent with manufacturing environments where the cost and number of tests to determine a valid process model is desired to be minimal. The implications of this limitation are modes of response that are hidden from the controller. Their effects on system performance and stability are discussed.en
dc.description.sponsorshipSingapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)en
dc.format.extent1044949 bytes
dc.relation.ispartofseriesInnovation in Manufacturing Systems and Technology (IMST);
dc.subjectmultivariable controlen
dc.subjectcycle to cycleen
dc.subjectdiscrete eventen
dc.titleMultiple Input-Multiple Output Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Manufacturing Processesen

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