Nanostructures Technology, Research, and Applications
Smith, Henry I.; Silverman, Scott E.; Ferrera, Juan; Carter, James M.; Wong, Vincent V.; Gupta, Nitin; Hector, Scott D.; Owen, Gabrielle M.; Schattenburg, Mark L.; Yang, Isabel Y.; Burkhardt, Martin; Li, Huiying; Mondol, Mark K.; Sission, Robert D.; Moon, Euclid E.; Aucoin, Richard J.; Shah, Satyen N.; Yasaka, Anto; Antoniadis, Dimitri A.; Chu, William; Hu, Hang; Rhee, Kee; Su, Lisa T-F.; Carter, David J.; Kumar, Arvind; Melloch, Michael R.; Orlando, Terry P.; del Alamo, Jesús; Eugster, Cristopher C.; Hugunin, James J.; Damask, Jay N.; Haus, Hermann A.; Kolodziejski, Leslie A.; Choi, Woo-Young; Fonstad, Clifton G., Jr.; Moolji, Akbar A.; Lew, Julie C.; Porter, Jeanne M.; Canizares, Claude R.; Fleming, Robert C., Jr.; Donovan, Sean M.; Ismail, Khalid; Thompson, Carl V.; ... Show more Show less
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Contains reports on twenty research projects and a list of publications.
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Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
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Series/Report no.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Research Laboratory of Electronics. Progress Report, no. 136