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dc.contributor.authorZielinski, R. G.en_US
dc.contributor.authorKazimi, Mujid S.en_US
dc.contributor.otherMassachusetts Institute of Technology. United States. Sodium Boiling Project. Dept. of Energy.en_US
dc.description.abstractSeveral features were incorporated into NATOF-2D, a twodimensional, two fluid code developed at M.I.T. for the purpose of analysis of sodium boiling transients under LMFBR conditions. They include improved interfacial mass, momentum and energy exchange rate models, and a cell-to-cell radial heat conduction mechanism which was calibrated by simulation of Westinghouse Blanket Heat Transfer Test Program Runs 544 and 545. Finally, a direct method of pressure field solution was implemented into NATOF-2D, replacing the iterative technique previously available, and resulted in substantially reduced computational costs.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe models incorporated into NATOF-2D were tested by running the code to simulate the results of the THORS Bundle 6A Experiments performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and four tests from the W-1 SLSF Experiment performed by the Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory. The results demonstrate the increased accuracy provided by the inclusion of these effects.en_US
dc.format.extentiv, 224 pen_US
dc.publisher[Cambridge, Mass.] : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Energy Laboratory, 1981en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEnergy Laboratory report (Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Energy Laboratory) no. MIT-EL 81-030.en_US
dc.subjectLiquid metal fast breeder reactorsen_US
dc.subjectTwo-phase flowen_US
dc.subjectSodium cooled reactors.en_US
dc.titleDevelopment of models for the two-dimensional, two-fluid code for sodium boiling NATOF-2Den_US

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