Now showing items 4-6 of 80

    • Model of critical heat flux in subcooled flow boiling 

      Fiori, Mario P.; Bergles A. E. (Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, [1968], 1968)
      The physical phenomenon occurring before and at the critical heat flux (CHF) for subcooled flow boiling has been investigated. The first phase of this study established the basic nature of the flow structure at CHF. A ...
    • The influence of return bends on the downstream pressure drop and condensation heat transfer in tubes 

      Traviss, Donald P.; Rohsenow, Warren M. (Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Heat Transfer Laboratory, [1971], 1971)
      The influence of return bends on the downstream pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient of condensing refrigerant R-12 was studied experimentally. Flow patterns in glass return bends of 1/2 to 1 in. radius and 0.315 ...
    • The mechanism of heat transfer in nucleate pool boiling 

      Han, Chi-Yeh; Griffith, P. (Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Division of Sponsored Research, [1962], 1962)
      A criterion is developed for bubble initiation from a gas filled cavity on a surface in contact with a superheated layer of liquid. It is found that the temperature of bubble initiation on a given surface is a function of ...