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dc.contributor.authorVaughn, Amanda
dc.contributor.authorFernandes, Pradeep
dc.contributor.authorShields, J. Tom
dc.description.abstractPrevious Lean Aerospace Initiative research in factory operations had indicated that the greatest performance gains are realized when the manufacturing system is designed from the top down and from supplier to the customer. Manufacturing system designs were most effective when the entire product value stream was designed or redesigned (not just a shop, division or segment of the factory). This led to a focus on manufacturing system design. The objective in this study was to develop a method or process that would assist manufacturing system designers as they developed (or modified) the manufacturing system for their needs. This effort was developed to be applicable to a single product manufacturing system design or a multiple product manufacturing system design. A systems approach was used with an enterprise perspective. Several important products were produced as the problem was addressed: a list of the manufacturing system design inputs and a definition of manufacturing system types (each included in the appendices).en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectmanufacturing system designen_US
dc.titleManufacturing System Design Framework Manualen_US
dc.typeLearning Objecten_US

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