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dc.contributor.authorSlack, Robert A.
dc.description.abstractThis document takes a critical look at the first lean principle, Value. The meaning of value is investigated first in a general context, in the context of Lean Thinking, and finally in the context of other product development and business literature. This investigation found the value principle to be pertinent in the product development context and a specific definition of value was developed which facilitates an understanding of customer value in the product development arena, and assists in creating a customer focus in the lean transition process. Although Lean Thinking is customer value focused, the existence of other value perspectives is investigated. The linkage between these value perspectives is also discussed and the need to understand these linkages during the lean transition is established. Finally, specific high level attributes of customer value in the product development setting are established.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe Lean Aerospace Initiative Report Series;RP99-01-16
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectlean principleen_US
dc.subjectlean thinkingen_US
dc.subjectmilitary aerospaceen_US
dc.subjectproduct development (PD)en_US
dc.titleThe Lean Value Principle in Military Aerospace Product Developmenten_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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