AACL Preprints: Recent submissions
Now showing items 4-6 of 19
Adaptive Control of a Generic Hypersonic Vehicle
(2016-03-10)This paper presents an adaptive augmented, gain-scheduled baseline LQR-PI controller applied to the Road Runner six-degree-of-freedom generic hypersonic vehicle model. Uncertainty in control effectiveness, longitudinal ... -
Adaptive Output Feedback Based on Closed-Loop Reference Models for Hypersonic Vehicles
(2016-03-09)This paper presents a new method of synthesizing an output feedback adaptive controller for a class of uncertain, non-square, multi-input multi-output systems that often occur in hypersonic vehicle models. The main challenge ... -
Sequential Loop Closure Based Adaptive Autopilot Design for a Hypersonic Vehicle
(2016-03-09)This paper presents a sequential loop closure approach to designing a velocity and altitude tracking au- topilot for a hypersonic vehicle. The control architecture consists of two decoupled control subsystems, one for ...