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dc.contributor.authorVuletic, Vladanen_US
dc.coverage.temporalSpring 2006en_US
dc.identifierlocal: 8.04
dc.identifierlocal: IMSCP-MD5-1471346f6dcc63caf8011ebcf4f4e86f
dc.description.abstractThis course covers the experimental basis of quantum physics, introduces wave mechanics, Schrödinger's equation in a single dimension, and Schrödinger's equation in three dimensions.en_US
dc.rights.uriUsage Restrictions: This site (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014. Content within individual courses is (c) by the individual authors unless otherwise noted. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is providing this Work (as defined below) under the terms of this Creative Commons public license ("CCPL" or "license") unless otherwise noted. The Work is protected by copyright and/or other applicable law. Any use of the work other than as authorized under this license is prohibited. By exercising any of the rights to the Work provided here, You (as defined below) accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this license. The Licensor, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, grants You the rights contained here in consideration of Your acceptance of such terms and conditions.en_US
dc.rights.uriUsage Restrictions: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unporteden_US
dc.subjectquantum physics: photoelectric effecten_US
dc.subjectCompton scatteringen_US
dc.subjectFranck-Hertz experimenten_US
dc.subjectthe Bohr atomen_US
dc.subjectelectron diffractionen_US
dc.subjectdeBroglie wavesen_US
dc.subjectwave-particle duality of matter and lighten_US
dc.subjectwave mechanics: Schroedinger's equationen_US
dc.subjectwave functionsen_US
dc.subjectwave packetsen_US
dc.subjectprobability amplitudesen_US
dc.subjectstationary statesen_US
dc.subjectthe Heisenberg uncertainty principleen_US
dc.subjectzero-point energiesen_US
dc.subjecttransmission and reflection at a barrieren_US
dc.subjectbarrier penetrationen_US
dc.subjectpotential wellsen_US
dc.subjectsimple harmonic oscillatoren_US
dc.subjectSchroedinger's equation in three dimensions: central potentialsen_US
dc.subjectand introduction to hydrogenic systems.en_US
dc.title8.04 Quantum Physics I, Spring 2006en_US
dc.title.alternativeQuantum Physics Ien_US

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