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Main issues:

  • How to formulate the Maxim of Quantity
  • Semantic and pragmatic conditions on scales and their availability in context
  • Case study: Implicature projection
  • Monotonicity condition on scales


  • Grice, H. P. "Logic and Conversation" (1967). In Studies in the Way of Words. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989.
  • Gamut, L. T. F. "Pragmatics: Meaning and Usage." In Logic, Language, and Meaning. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991, sections 6.1 to 6.8, pp. 195–212.
  • Matsumoto, Yo. "The Conversational Condition on Horn Scales." Linguistics and Philosophy 18, 1 (1995): 21-60.

Case studies

  • Chierchia, Gennaro. "Scalar Implicatures, Polarity Phenomena, and the Syntax/Pragmatics Interface." Forthcoming in Structures and Beyond. Edited by Adriana Belletti. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • Sauerland, Uli. "Scalar Implicatures in Complex Sentences."


Main issues:

  • Empirical motivation for the distinction between context-dependency and contingency
  • Basic concepts of Kaplan's framework
  • Case study: Referential readings of definites and indefinites
  • Review of intensional systems
  • Scopal properties of demonstratives, definites,
    indefinites under various analyses


  • Stalnaker, Robert. "Pragmatics" (1972). In The Philosophy of Language. Edited by A. Martinich. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.
  • Kripke, Saul. "Speaker's Reference and Semantic Reference" (1977). In Pragmatics: A Reader. Edited by Steven Davis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.
  • Fodor, Janet D., and Ivan Sag. "Referential and Quantificational Indefinites." Linguistics and Philosophy 5 (1982).
  • Heim, Irene. "Artikel und Definitheit" ("Articles and Definitness"). In Semantics: An International Handbook of Contemporary Research. Edited by Arnim von Stechow and Dieter Wunderlich. Berlin/New York: W. de Gruyter, 1991, section 1.3 "Referential and attributive use," and section 2.2 "Specific and non-specific readings."

Case studies

  • Reinhart, Tanya. "Quantifier Scope: How Labor is Divided Between QR and Choice Functions." Linguistics and Philosophy 20 (1997): 3 35-397.
  • Kratzer, Angelika. "Scope or Pseudoscope? Are there Wide-Scope Indefinites?" In Events and Grammar. Edited by Susan Rothstein. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1998, pp. 163-196.
  • von Stechow, Arnim. "Some Remarks on Choice Functions and Lf-Movement." In Reference and Anaphoric Relations. Edited by K. von Heusinger and U. Egli. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000, pp. 193-228.
  • Chierchia, Gennaro. "A Puzzle about Indefinites." In Semantic Interfaces. Edited by Carlo Cecchetto et al. Stanford, Calif.: CSLI Publications, 2001.
  • Schwarz, Bernhard. "Two Kinds of Long-Distance Indefinites." In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam: Institute for Language, Logic and Information, University of Amsterdam, 2001, pp. 192-197.

Context Change

Main issues:

  • What presuppositions are (truth value judgments and other empirical criteria)
  • The projection problem
  • Cancellability and accommodation
  • Dynamic approaches: motivation and basic concepts
  • Context-dependency of domains of quantification
  • Division of labor between truth-conditional semantics and laws of context change
  • Case study: Source of presuppositions, non-monotonicity of conditionals
  • 3-valued truth-tables for connectives
  • Compositional calculation of context change potentials
  • Dynamic versions of logical concepts (validity, entailment)


  • Soames, Scott. "Presupposition." In Handbook of Philosophical Logic. Edited by Dov Gabbay & Franz Guenthner. Vol. IV. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1989, pp. 553-616.
  • Beaver, David. Presupposition and Assertion in Dynamic Semantics. Stanford, Calif.: CSLI Publications, 2001.
  • Lewis, David. "Scorekeeping in a Language Game." Journal of Philosophical Logic 8 (1979): 339–59.

Case studies

  • Simons, Mandy. "Why Some Presuppositions are Conversational Implicatures." Ms. Carnegie Mellon University, 2001.
  • Simons, Mandy. "Presupposition and Relevance." To appear in Semantics vs. Pragmatics. Edited by Zoltan Szabo. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Both of Simons' papers are available at
  • Abusch, Dorit. "Lexical Alternatives as a Source of Pragmatic Presuppositions. In Proceedings of SALT 12, 2002. Edited by Brendan Jackson. Ithaca: Cornell University, CLC Publications, 2002.
  • von Fintel, Kai. "Counterfactuals in a Dynamic Context." In Ken Hale: A Life in Language. Edited by Michael Kenstowicz. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001.
  • von Fintel, Kai. "NPI Licensing, Strawson-Entailment, and Context- Dependency." Journal of Semantics 16, 2 (1999): 97-148.


Main issues:

  • Anaphoricity ("givenness") as the core meaning of focus
  • Basic concepts of Rooth's alternative semantics
  • Semantic and syntactic connections to the analysis
    of wh-questions (including the movement issue)
  • Association with focus
  • Case study: The scope of even and somethings about NPIs
  • Calculating focus values
  • Calculating structured meanings


  • Rooth, Mats. "Focus." In The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory. Edited by Shalom Lappin. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996, pp. 271-298.

Case studies

  • Beaver, David, and Brady Clark. "Always and Only: Why not all Focus Sensitive Operators are Alike." Ms., Stanford University, 2002. Publications/alwaysonly.pdf
  • Beaver, David, and Brady Clark."The Proper Treatments of Focus Sensitivity." In Proceedings of WCCFL 21. Edited by Chris Potts and Line Mikkelson. Cascadilla Press, 2002.
  • Beaver, David, and Brady Clark."Monotonicity and Focus Sensitivity." In Proceedings of SALT 12, 2002. Edited by Brendan Jackson. Ithaca: Cornell University, CLC Publications, 2002.
  • Wilkinson, Karina. "The Scope of Even." Natural Language Semantics 4 (1996): 193-215.
  • Rullmann, Hotze. "Even, Polarity, and Scope." In Papers in Experimental and Theoretical Linguistics. Edited by Martha Gibson, Grace Wiebe, and Gary Litten. Vol. 4. Department of Linguistics, University of Alberta, 1997, pp. 40-64.
  • Schwarz, Bernhard. "Notes on Even." Ms., 2000.