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Lecture Notes

Below is a link to the single document that is the compiled lecture notes for the course. The text below is a table of contents for the linked document.
Pragmatics in Linguistic Theory: Lecture Notes (PDF)
Language in Context: pp. 2-3

Part I: Implicature: pp. 4-19

Chapter 1: Conversational Implicature: pp. 5-9
1.1 Some Types of Inferences: p. 5
1.2 Distinctions: pp. 6-7
1.3 Some of Grice’s Examples: pp. 7-8
1.4 Grice’s System: pp. 8-9
1.5 Some web destinations about Grice: p. 9

Chapter 2: Scalar Implicature: pp. 10-19
2.1 The Phenomenon: pp. 10-11
2.2 The challenge for Gricean pragmatics: p. 11
2.3 Quantity implicatures and their derivation: pp. 11-14
2.4 The Symmetry Problem: pp. 14-19

Bibliography: p. 20