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Lecture Notes

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Introduction to ITS

Organization of Subject

History (PDF)

2 Introduction to ITS (cont.) (PDF)
3 Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) (PDF)
4 Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) (cont.) (PDF)
5 Guest lecture by Jane Lappin - ATIS: What Information People Want and Use (PDF)
6 ATIS: SmartRoute Systems Field Trip
7 Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS)/ATIS (PDF)
8 Guest lecture by Jennifer Farver - ATMS: Dynamic Route Guidance - Vehicle-centric (PDF)
9 Review of Assignment 1 and Mini-Term Project Proposals

Discussion of Congestion Pricing (London) Article (PDF)
10 ATIS - Reliability

Debrief of Jennifer Farver’s Talk (PDF)
11 Guest lecture by Michael Wolfe - Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) (PPT) Courtesy of Michael Wolfe.
12 Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) (cont.) (PDF)
13 Guest lecture by Rory O'Connor -Technology/Sensors
14 ITS Massachusetts Annual Meeting – Boston, MA
15 ITS Massachusetts Annual Meeting Debrief
16 Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) (PDF)
17 Guest lecture by Rebecca Dodder - Regions: Bay Area (Chisholm/Informal coordination) (PDF) Courtesy of Rebecca Dodder.
18 Guest lecture by Matthew Edelman - Regional ITS Operations and Deployment: Cooperative Approach, Technology Development and Institutional Issues
19 Guest lecture by Jonathan Gifford - Regions: Organizations and Operations (PDF)
20 Regions (PDF)
21 Regions (cont.) (PDF)
22 Preliminary Kuala Lumpur (KL) Architecture Ideas
23 Regions (cont.)
24 Conclusions: The Future of ITS (PDF)
25 Closing Comments