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11.479 Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Planning in Developing Countries, Spring 2004

Women carrying water.
Women carry water 5 kilometers to their homes in Azad and Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan. (Image courtesy of Professor Jennifer Davis.)

Highlights of this Course

This course features a complete set of assignments, and an extensive list of related resources relevant to the subject matter.

Course Description

This course examines the policy and planning for the provision of water supply and sanitation services in developing countries. It reviews available technologies, but emphasizes the planning and policy process, including economic, social, environmental, and health issues. The course incorporates considerations of financing, pricing, institutional structure, consumer demand, and community participation in the planning process. And it valuates policies and projects in case studies from Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Central and Eastern Europe.


Prof. Jennifer Davis

Course Meeting Times

One session / week
2 hours / session




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