
The course employs two 60-minute lectures per week, along with weekly laboratory and recitation sessions.

Lec = Lecture

Lab = Lab

Rec = Recitation

1 Lec 1
Introduction to Course

Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Rick Hoge
Functional Neural Systems
2 Lec 2
Overview of Neural Systems: Neural Systems I

Lab 1
Introduction to Lab, Viewing MR Images, and MatLab®. Safety Video
Brad Dickerson

Rick Hoge
3 Lec 3
Overview of Neural Systems: Neural Systems II

Rec 1
Human Subjects and Safety Issues
Brad Dickerson

Randy Gollub
4 Lec 4
Overview of Neural Systems: Neural Systems III

Lab 2
MRI Tour
Brad Dickerson

Rick Hoge
Imaging Physiology
5 Lec 5
Overview of Imaging Physiology

Applied Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physiology I

Rec 2
See Bibliography

Robert Banzett

Rick Hoge

Problem Set 1 due
6 Lec 6
Applied Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physiology II

Lab 3
Introduction to fMRI Data Acquisition and Viewing
Robert Banzett

Rick Hoge
7 Lec 7
Cerebrovascular Anatomy and Neural Regulation of CNS Blood Flow

Rec 3
Review of Imaging Physiology:
The Big Picture of HST 583
Brad Dickerson

Martin Zalesak
8 Lec 8
Neurovascular Coupling. Global vs. Regionally Specific Changes in CBF and Metabolism

Lab 4
Biophysical Basis of fMRI Signal. Introduction and Lab
Brad Dickerson

Rick Hoge
Experiment Design
9 Lec 9
General Principles of Experimental Design, point 1

Rec 4

Robert Savoy

Nouchine Hadjikhani

Problem Set 2 due
10 Lec 10
General Principles of Experimental Design, point 2

Psychological State Variables in Imaging

Rec 5

Robert Savoy

Anne Blood

Physics of Image Acquisition
11 Lec 11
Overview of Structural and Functional MRI Signal Acquisition

Lab 5
Biophysical Basis of fMRI Signals, part 2
Larry Wald

Rick Hoge
Problem Set 3 due
12 Lec 12
MRI Physics I

Rec 6
Movement Artifacts in fMRI
Jorge Jovicich

Rick Hoge
13 Lec 13
MRI Physics II

Lab 6
Improving fMRI Signal using Physiological Data
Larry Wald

Jennifer Melcher and Irina Sigalovsky
Lab Report 1 due
14 Lec 14
MRI Physics III

Rec 7
Larry Wald
15 Lec 15
MRI Physics IV

Lab 7
Extra Lab Session
Jorge Jovicich

Rick Hoge and Martin Zalesak
Lab Report 2 due
16 Lec 16
Physics of Diffusion Weighted Imaging

Rec 8

David Tuch

Rick Hoge

17 Lec 17
Diffusion Weighted Imaging II

Lab 8
Diffusion Gradients Lab
David Tuch

David Tuch and Rick Hoge
Lab Report 3 due
Mid-term Exam
Statistical Analysis
18 Lec 18
Overview of fMRI Statistical Analysis. Stats I

Lab 9
Statistical Analysis of fMRI Data, part 1
Doug Greve

Savoy, Hoge, Greve and Vangel
Lab Report 4 due
19 Lec 19
Overview of fMRI Statistical Analysis. Stats II

Rec 9

Doug Greve

Joe Mandeville

20 Lec 20
Overview of fMRI Statistical Analysis. Stats III

Lab 10
Statistical Analysis of fMRI Data, part 2
Doug Greve

Savoy, Hoge, Greve and Vangel
21 Lec 21
Overview of fMRI Statistical Analysis. Stats IV

Rec 10

Mark Vangel

Steve Stufflebeam

22 Lec 22
Overview of fMRI Statistical Analysis. Stats V

Lab 11
Morphometric Analysis
Mark Vangel

David Kennedy and David Salat
Problem Set 4 due

Lab Report 5 due
23 Lec 23
Overview of fMRI Statistical Analysis. Stats VI

Rec 11

Mark Vangel

Chris Moore

Lab Report 6 due
Structural and Functional Analysis
24 Lec 24
Spatial Normalization for Anatomical Analysis. DTI Applications
David Kennedy
25 Lec 25
Surface-based Anatomical Analysis
David Salat
Final Exam