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dc.contributor.authorFan, Weiguo
dc.contributor.authorLu, Hongjun
dc.contributor.authorMadnick, Stuart
dc.contributor.authorCheung, David
dc.description.abstractThe successful integration of data from autonomous and heterogeneous systems calls for the resolution of semantic conflicts that may be present. Such conflicts are often reffected by discrepancies in attribute values of the same data object. In this paper, we describe a recently developed prototype system, DIRECT (DIscovering and REconciling ConflicTs). The system mines data value conversion rules in the process of integrating business data from multiple sources. The system architecture and functional modules are described. The process of discovering conversion rules from sales data of a trading company is presented as an illustrative exampleen
dc.format.extent331454 bytes
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMIT Sloan School of Management Working Paper;4411-01
dc.subjectData Integrationen
dc.subjectData Mining, Semantic Conflictsen
dc.subjectData Visualizationen
dc.subjectStatistical Analysisen
dc.subjectData Value Conversionen
dc.titleDIRECT: A System for Mining Data Value Conversion Rules from Disparate Data Sourcesen
dc.typeWorking Paperen

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