Now showing items 7-9 of 131

    • 18.335J / 6.337J Introduction to Numerical Methods, Fall 2010 

      Johnson, Steven G. (2010-12)
      This course offers an advanced introduction to numerical linear algebra. Topics include direct and iterative methods for linear systems, eigenvalue decompositions and QR/SVD factorizations, stability and accuracy of numerical ...
    • 6.094 Introduction to MATLAB, January IAP 2010 

      Šćepanović, Danilo (2010)
      This course provides an aggressively gentle introduction to MATLAB®. It is designed to give students fluency in MATLAB, including popular toolboxes. The course consists of interactive lectures with students doing sample ...
    • 6.436J / 15.085J Fundamentals of Probability, Fall 2008 

      Gamarnik, David; Tsitsiklis, John (2008-12)
      This is a course on the fundamentals of probability geared towards first- or second-year graduate students who are interested in a rigorous development of the subject. The course covers most of the topics in 6.431 (sample ...