Nuclear Science and Engineering (22) - Archived: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-3 of 53
2.60 / 2.62J / 10.392J / 22.40J / 10.390J Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion, Spring 2004
(2004-06)This course covers fundamentals of thermodynamics, chemistry, flow and transport processes as applied to energy systems. Topics include analysis of energy conversion in thermomechanical, thermochemical, electrochemical, ... -
22.01 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering and Ionizing Radiation, Fall 2015
(2015-12)This course provides an introduction to nuclear science and its engineering applications. It describes basic nuclear models, radioactivity, nuclear reactions and kinematics; covers the interaction of ionizing radiation ... -
12.458 Molecular Biogeochemistry, Fall 2009
(2009-12)This course evaluates and discusses the formation and diagnostic structural properties of organic compounds with particular emphasis on those molecules which form chemical fossils. The course is structured around the ...