1 |
Neuroanatomy: A Science of the 20th Century |
2 |
Basic Subdivisions, Cell Types; Anatomical Techniques |
3 |
Review of Basic Connectional Patterns; Laboratory Techniques #2 |
4 |
Review of Basic Connectional Patterns (continued) |
5 |
Neurogenesis I |
6 |
Neurogenesis II |
7 |
Neurogenesis III |
8 |
PNS Anatomy and Development |
9 |
Process Outgrowth I |
10 |
Process Outgrowth II (Synaptogenesis) |
11 |
Growth Factors and Cell Survival I |
12 |
Growth Factors and Cell Survival II |
13 |
Growth Factors and Cell Survival III - Apoptosis |
14 |
Spinal and Hindbrain Anatomy |
15 |
Regional Specificity I |
16 |
Regional Specificity II (Comparative Neuroanatomy, Introduction) |
17 |
Trigeminal System |
18 |
Midterm Review |
19 |
Midterm Exam |
20 |
Dissection |
21 |
Retinotectal System I: Optic Tract and its Terminations; Developmental Plasticity |
22 |
Retinotectal System II: Chemoaffinity; Modes of Axon Growth |
23 |
Retinotectal System III: CNS Axonal Regeneration |
24 |
Neocortex I |
25 |
Neocortex II: Neurogenesis, Cell Migration and the Specificity of Laminar and Areal Identity |
26 |
Neocortex III: Role of Activity in the Development of Cortical Connections |
27-28 |
Neocortex IV: Association Cortex |
29 |
Review - Neocortex |
30 |
Corpus Striatum |
31 |
Fetal Brain Tissue Transplantation |
32 |
Limbic System I: Olfactory System |
33 |
Limbic System II: Hypothalamus and Limbic Midbrain Areas |
34 |
Limbic System III: Hormonal and other Influences on Development and Plasticity |
35-36 |
Limbic System IV and V: Hippocampal Formation |
37 |
Cerebellar System; Mutants |
38-39 |
Frontal Sections; Review |
40 |
Final Exam Period |