
Assigned Readings


Collins, Jack A. Failure of Materials in Mechanical Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981. ISBN:0471558915. (Specific chapters as assigned by the instructor.)

MIT Notes

Meyer, J. E. "Design Rules" (PDF)

Jeager, T. "Equation for Thermoelastic Continuity."

———. "Stress-Strain Relation."

Wolf, L., M. S. Kazimi, and N. E. Todreas. "Introduction to Structural Mechanics" (PDF)

Jeager, T. "Plasticity."

———. "Creep."

———. "Linear Creep Ratcheting of Thin Hollow Cylinder with Internal Cladding."

———. "Axisymmetric Elastic Plastic Equations for a Solid Cylinder."

———. "Thermoelastic Stresses for Hollow Cylinder with Internal Cladding."

———. "Axisymmetric Elastic Plastic Equations for Hollow Cylinder."

———. "Design of Reinforced and Pre-Stressed Concrete."

———. "Seismic Analysis."

Meyer, J. E. "Pressure Vessel Stress Analysis" (PDF)