
This syllabus presents the topics, objectives, intended outcomes, grading policies, and texts for the course.
Course Description

This course aims to introduce students to a quantitative approach to studying the problems of physiological adaptation to weightlessness. The course curriculum is divided into 8 blocks. Block 1, the Introduction & Selected Topics, provides the students with some background information on the physiological problems associated with human space flight, as well as reviewing terminology and key engineering concepts. Blocks 2-6 focus on Bone Mechanics, Muscle Mechanics, Musculoskeletal Dynamics and Control, the Cardiovascular System, and the Neurovestibular system. Each of these modular course blocks starts out with qualitative and biological information regarding the system and its adaptation, and progresses to a quantitative endpoint in which engineering methods are used to analyze specific problems and countermeasures. The final two course blocks focus on interdisciplinary topics. Block 7 deals with extravehicular activity. Following Block 7 is a period consisting of student term project work (Block 8).

This course places heavy emphasis on multi-media technology to enrich the student learning experience. The engineering principles conveyed in the course (structural mechanics, multibody dynamics, control theory, and circuit models) are well suited to graphical presentation as images, or animation. For instance, a simulation showing the cardiovascular system modeled as a resistance-and-capacitance (R-C) circuit can be conveniently run from the web site. The effects of changing the gravity level can then be clearly demonstrated using plots and visual techniques that illustrate the changes throughout the system in real-time.

Learning Objectives

1. To apply engineering methods to the study of astronaut adaptation to weightlessness.
2. To use analytical techniques, such as structural idealizations, control theory, electrical circuit, and mechanical system analogs to model astronaut performance.
3. To calculate the risk for pathological consequences for space missions.
4. To enable quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of countermeasures.

Measurable Outcomes and Assessment

Students graduating from 16.423J/HST.515J will be able to:
1. Explain the short-term and long-term physiological consequences of weightlessness.
2. Use analytical techniques such as structural idealizations, control theory, electrical circuit and mechanical system analogs to model astronaut performance.
3. Calculate the stress and strain state in a human bone such as the proximal femur using beam theory and finite element analysis.
4. Use a mechanical model including springs, dashpots and concentrated masses to simulate muscle tissue or a boundary condition.
5. Derive and the equations of motion for a multibody dynamic system and apply the equations in a simulation of limb motion.
6. Select control laws and evaluate control parameters applied to space biomedical engineering.
7. Use a resistance-capacitance model to evaluate changes in the cardiovascular system.
8. Use a model of the vestibular apparatus to assess perception of gravity and acceleration.
9. Formulate multidisciplinary engineering-based models for physiological systems and identify the assumptions and limitations.

Assignments and Evaluation
  • Assignments will be distributed throughout the semester.
  • A heavy reading load will be assigned with the expectation that all students prepare before topical lecture.
  • There will be two quizzes.
  • There will be a term project.
  • Educational assessments will be made throughout the semester.

    The grade will be based 30% on homework and participation, 20% for each of the two quizzes, and 30% on the term design project and oral presentation.

There is no basic text for the course due to the multidisciplinary nature of the topics covered. Course handouts cover most lecture topics. Background in control theory and quantitative physiology are helpful.

Reference texts for the course include:

  • Eckart, P. Spaceflight Life Support and Biospherics. Torrance, CA: Microcosm Press, 1998.
  • Advanced Technology for Human Support in Space. Washington, D. C.: National Academy Press, 1997.
  • Churchill, S., ed. Introduction to Space Life Sciences. Malabar, Florida: An Orbit Series Book, Krieger Publishing Company Inc., 1997.
  • Guyton. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Edited by W. B. Saunders. 1991.