
These are the assignments for the class by two different students: danah boyd, and her partner for the final project, Matt Lee.
  • danah boyd
    • Assignment 1, Analysis of a Newsgroup (PDF)
    • Assignment 2, Visualizing Conversations (PDF)
    • Assignment 3, Graphical Conversations (PDF)
    • Assignment 4, Desiging a Graphical Conversation Space (PDF)
    • Assignment 5, Identity Description (PDF)
    • Assignment 6, Mediated Faces (PDF)
    • Assignment 7, Web Cultures (PDF)
    • Assignment 8, Identity Project (PDF)
    • Assignment 9, Project Proposal with Matt Lee  - Identity Editor (PDF)
    • Assignment 10, Time and History (PDF)
    • Assignment 12, Public Space (PDF)
    • Assignment 13, Social Memory with Matt Lee  - Identity Construction Kit (PDF)