
The required and optional readings for the course are listed below.

Blood, R. Weblogs: a history and perspective. (and lots more on this topic if you are interested)

Csikszentmihaly, M., and  E. Rochberg-Halton. Chap. 3 and 5 In The Meaning of Things.

Davis, F. Chap. 1 In Fashion, Culture and Identity.

Donath, and Robertson. The Sociable Web. 1994.

Donath, Judith. " The Illustrated conversation." Chap. 6 and Section 2 In Designing the Virtual City.

Donath, Judith. Identity and deception in the virtual community.

Donath, and Viegas and Karahal. Visiphone.

English-Lueck. Technology and Social Change.

Fischer. Chap. 8 In America Calling.

Fridlund, A. "The new ethology of human facial expression." In The Psychology of Facial Expression. Edited by Russell & Fernandez-Dols.

Goffman, Erving. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. (Introduction)

Hill, Will, and Jim Hollan. History enriched digital objects.

Holland, and Skinner. "Prestige and Intimacy."  In Holland & Quinn, Cultural Models of Language and Thought.

Kurlander, D., and T. Skelly and D. Salesin. "Comic Chat"  In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH. 1996.

Landau, T. Chap. 3 In About Faces.

McCloud, Scott. Chap. 4 and 5 In Understanding Comics.

McCracken, G. Chap. 5 In Culture and Consumption.

Rekimoto, and Ayatsuko and Hayashi. Augment-able Reality: Situated Communication through Physical and Digital Spaces.

Rossney, R. Metaworlds. 1996. Wired 4.06 (June 1996).

Rozier, and Karahalios and Donath. Hear and There.

Saville-Troike, Muriel. Chap. 2 and 5 In The Ethnography of Communication. 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Basil Blackwell, 1982.

Small, David. Navigating large bodies of text. IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 35, No. 3 and 4(1996).

Tufte, Edward. Envisioning Information. (will be on reserve in Rotch, available in other libraries at MIT & Harvard)

Viegas, F., and J. Donath. "Chat Circles." In Proceedings of CHI 99. 1999.

Wexelblat, Alan. Footprints.

Whittaker, S., and L. Terveen and W. Hill and L. Cherny. "The dynamics of mass communication." In The Proceedings of CSCW '98. 1998.

Whyte, William. Chap. 2 In City.

Zebrowitz, L. Chap. 2 and 3 In Reading Faces.


Aveni, Anthony. Empires of Time. 

Brand, Stewart. How Buildings Learn.

Horrigan. The Home of Tomorrow.

Karahalios, K. Communication systems: A Comparison along a Set of Major Axes. 2000.

Livingstone. The Meaning of Domestic Technologies.

Lynch, Kevin. The Image of the City. 

Norman, Don. The Psychology of Everyday Things. 

Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray