Course Meeting Times
Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session
This course is an introductory subject in the field of electric power systems and electrical to mechanical energy conversion. Electric power has become increasingly important as a way of transmitting and transforming energy in industrial, military and transportation uses. Examples of new uses for electric power include all manners of electric transportation systems (electric trains that run under catenary, diesel-electric railroad locomotion, 'maglev' medium and high speed tracked vehicles, electric transmission systems for ships, replacement of hydraulics in high performance actuators, aircraft launch and recovery systems, battery powered factory material transport systems, electric and hybrid electric cars and buses, even the 'more electric' airplane).
The course material includes:
- fundamentals of energy-handling electric circuits and electromechanical apparatus
- modeling of magnetic field devices and description of their behavior using appropriate models
- simplification of problems using transformation techniques
- analysis of power electric circuits, magnetic circuits, and elements of linear and rotating electric machinery
- use of lumped parameter electromechanics to understand power systems
- models of synchronous, induction, and DC machinery
- the interconnection of electric power apparatus and operation of power systems
The material in this subject will be useful to students who pursue careers or research in electric power systems, power electronic systems, vehicle electrical systems (e.g. electric or hybrid vehicles), development or use of electric motors and generators, robots and "mechatronics".
The prerequisites for this course are 6.002 Circuits and Electronics and 6.013 Electromagnetics and Applications, or permission of the instructor. Familiarity with the subject material of 6.013 is helpful but not necessary, if a student feels comfortable with the material of 8.02 Physics II. Please consult with the instructor if there are any questions about preparation.
Engineering Design Points
This course is worth 6 Engineering Design Points.
Course Expectations
6.061 is an undergraduate elective subject in the concentration area of Electrodynamics and Energy Systems. Each student will complete 11 problem sets and 2 quizzes.
6.690 is a graduate course, and carries H-level graduate credit. It will meet with 6.061 and will incorporate two additional elements:
- Each student taking 6.690 will have additional problems on the problem sets.
- Each student taking 6.690 will be asked to formulate and carry out a nearly term-long, in-depth project in an area related to the subject. Past students have done projects on distributed generation and rebuilding the Afghanistan electric power grid.
In the grading schemes below, the percentages were approximate and meant as a guideline. The exceptional students were exceptional all the way around.
Homework | 50% |
Quizzes (25% each) | 50% |
Homework | 40% |
Quizzes (20% each) | 40% |
Term project | 20% |