The course notes are the main set of readings for this course. Chapter 7 of the course notes is not available on MIT OpenCourseWare. The steel data in Chapter 8 are courtesy of the Electric Motor Education and Research Foundation and are used with permission.
AC = alternate current
DC = direct current
1 | Review of network theory (PDF) |
2 | AC power flow in linear networks (PDF) |
3 | Polyphase networks (PDF) |
4 | Introduction to symmetrical components (PDF) |
5 | Introduction to load flow (PDF) |
6 | Magnetic circuit analog to electric circuits (PDF) |
7 | Power electric motor drives |
8 | Electromagnetic forces and loss mechanisms (PDF) |
9 | Synchronous machine and winding models (PDF - 1.2 MB) |
10 | Analytic design evaluation of induction machines (PDF) |
11 | DC (commutator) and permanent magnet machines (PDF) |
12 | Permanent magnet "Brushless DC" motors (PDF - 1.7 MB) |