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Lecture Notes

1 Introduction and Overview (PDF)
2 Introduction to Teams and Teamwork (PDF)
3 Contemporary Management Challenges (PDF)
4 Work and Careers - Past, Present and Future
5 Organizational Analysis - Strategic Design Lens (PDF)
6 Organizational Analysis - Political Lens (PDF)
7 Organizational Analysis - The Cultural Lens (PDF)
8 Organizational Analysis - The Lincoln Electric Case
9 Shareholders or Stakeholders - A Debate (PDF)
10 The Nike Case (PDF)
11 Teams Revisited - Feedback and Workshop Session
12 Introduction to Negotiations (PDF)
13 Multi-party Negotiations
14 Recruitment/Job Offer Negotiations (PDF)
15 Leadership and Change - Introduction (PDF)
16 The Big Dig, Part 1
17 The Big Dig, Part 2
18 Social Influence, Communications and Selling Ideas
19 Organizational Change
20 Organizational Change (cont.)
21 Managing the Innovation Process
22 Team Presentations
23 Alumni Panel
24 Technology and Its Social Context
25 Inventing the Future
26 Inventing the Future (cont.)