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Archived Versions

Lecture Notes

Topic 1



Basic linear system response

Topic 2

Basic root locus

Basic aircraft control concepts

Basic control approaches

Topic 3

Frequency response methods





Topic 4

Stability in the frequency domain

Nyquist stability theorem



This is the basis of future robustness tests

Topic 5

Control design using Bode plots

Performance issues


Lead/Lag examples

Topic 6

State-space systems

What are state-space models?

Why should we use them? How are they related to the transfer functions used in classical control design and how do we develop a state-space model? What are the basic properties of a state-space model, and how do we analyze these?

Topic 7

State-space systems (cont.)

What are state-space models?

Why should we use them?

How are they related to the transfer functions used in classical control design and how do we develop a state-space model?

What are the basic properties of a state-space model, and how do we analyze these?

Topic 8

State-space systems (cont.)

What are the basic properties of a state-space model, and how do we analyze these?

State-space (SS) to transfer function (TF)

Topic 9

State-space systems (cont.)

What are the basic properties of a state-space model, and how do we analyze these?

Time domain interpretations

System modes

Topic 10

State-space systems (cont.)

System zeros

Transfer function matrices for multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) systems

Topic 11

State-space systems (cont.)

State-space model features



Minimal realizations

Topic 12

State-Space Systems (cont.)

State-space model features


Topic 13

State-space systems (cont.)

Full-state feedback control

How do we change the poles of the state-space system?

Or, even if we can change the pole locations

Where do we change the pole locations to?

How well does this approach work?

Topic 14

State-space systems (cont.)

Full-state feedback control

How do we change the poles of the state-space system?

Or, even if we can change the pole locations

Where do we put the poles?

  • Heuristics
  • Linear quadratic regulator (LQR)

How well does this approach work?

Topic 15

State-space systems (cont.)

Open-loop estimators

Closed-loop estimators

Observer theory (no noise) — Luenberger

Estimation theory (with noise) — Kalman

Topic 16

State-space systems (cont.)

Closed-loop control using estimators and regulators

Dynamics output feedback

"Back to reality"

(PDF - 1.3 MB)
Topic 17

Deterministic linear quadratic regulator (LQR)

Optimal control and the Riccati equation

Weight selection

Topic 18

Optimal estimators

Applied optimal control (Chapter 12) — Bryson and Ho

Applied optimal estimation — Gelb

Optimal estimation of dynamic systems — Crassidis and Junkins

Topic 19

Feedback control systems

Stengel (Chapter 6)

Question: How well do the large gain and phase margins discussed for LQR map over to dynamics output feedback (DOFB) using LQR and linear quadratic estimator (LQE) (called linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG))?

Topic 20

Closed-loop system analysis

Bounded gain theorem

Robust stability

Topic 21

Robustness analysis

Model uncertainty

Robust stability (RS) tests

RS visualizations

Topic 22

Feedback control systems (cont.)

Robust stability (RS)

Nominal performance (NP)

Robust performance (RP)

Small gain theorem

Topic 23

MIMO systems

Singular value decomposition

Multivariable frequency response plots

Topic 24

Feedback control systems (cont.)

H∞ synthesis