Related Resources
Computational Photography Links
Raskar, R. "Computational Photography: Epsilon to Coded Imaging." Video of presentation at Emerging Trends in Visual Computing (ETVC '08), Paris, France.
Greene, K. "Photo Future." Technology Review (May/June 2009).
Hayes, B. "Computational Photography." American Scientist 96, no. 2 (March-April 2008): 94.
Raskar, R., and J. Tumblin. Notes for SIGGRAPH 2008 course: Computational Photography.
Advance and supporting material for the forthcoming book by Raskar and Tumblin. Computational Photography: Mastering New Techniques for Lenses, Lighting, and Sensors. Wellesley, MA: A. K. Peters, Ltd., 2009. ISBN: 9781568813134.
Symposium on Computational Photography and Video, Cambridge, MA, May 2005.
What is a Computational Camera? by Shree Nayar
Computational Cameras Projects, by Shree Nayar
Stanford Lightfield Projects, by Marc Levoy and collaborators
Community Photo Collections at University of Washington
CSAIL - MIT work on Computational Photography and Video
Jack Tumblin's 'Current Research Questions' for the field
General Appearance Acquisition Group. Max Plank Institute, Germany.
Additional Useful Resources (From Prof. Fredo Durand)
The following is based on a list compiled by Prof. Fredo Durand for his class 6.088/6.882 Digital and Computational Photography, Spring 2007. (Courtesy of Fredo Durand. Used with permission).
Related Courses at MIT
Photo classes offered by the MIT Student Art Association
The Edgerton Center
11.309J / 4.215J Sites in Sight: Photography as Inquiry [OCW]
4.341 Introduction to Photography [OCW]
4.343 Photography and Related Media [OCW]
6.163 Strobe Project Laboratory [OCW]
21A.348 Photography and Truth [OCW]
21W.749 Documentary Photography and Photo Journalism: Still Images of A World In Motion [OCW]
MAS.450 Holographic Imaging [OCW]
SP.747 Creative Imaging
SP.757 Digital and Darkroom Imaging
[OCW] = published in MIT OpenCourseWare
Around Boston
Related Courses Outside MIT
Computational Photography by Alexei (Alyosha) Efros
Computer Vision by Steve Seitz and Rick Szeliski
Computational Photography by Marc Levoy and Bennett Wilburn (2004)
Computational Photography by Irfan Essa (2005)
Introduction to Visual Computing by Kyros Kutulakos (multiple years)
Topics in Image-Based Modeling and Rendering by David Kriegman (2003)
The Art and Science of Photography: Drawing with Light by Brian Barsky (multiple years)
Andrew Davidhazy, Rochester Institute of Technology
Color Vision Imaging Science and Technology by Dr. Hagit Hel-Or
Technical Material
Photoshop Healing Brush and Covariant Derivatives by Todor Georgiev
Szeliski, Rick. "Image Alignment and Stitching: A Tutorial." 2004 (PDF)
Autostitch (University of British Columbia)
Ramanath, R., W. E. Snyder, Y. Yoo, and M. S. Drew. "Color Image Processing Pipeline in Digital Still Cameras." 2005 (PDF - 2.0 MB)
Farrel, J. E., F. Xiao, P. B. Catrysse, and B. A. Wandell. "A Simulation Tool for Evaluating Digital Camera Image Quality." 2004 (PDF)
Withagen, P. J., F. C. A. Groen, and K. Schutte. "CCD Characterization for a Range of Color Cameras." 2005
Pixim "Digital Pixel System Technology." Whitepaper (PDF)
Young, I. T., J. J. Gerbrands, and L. J. van Vliet. "Noise." From the Web site Image Processing Fundamentals, TU Delft, 2003.
Photography Web sites
Fluideffects (impressive before/after retouching)
The Mathematics of Depth of Field
Digital Photography Review (best resource for camera reviews)
The Luminous Landscape (really insightful, Reichman is a pro and has lots of interesting things to say)
Digital Outback Photo
Rob Galbraith Digital Photography Insights
Digital Photograhy Tutorials and Techniques by Sean McHugh (really good, fairly technical)
How Digital Cameras Work by Tom Hogan
Digital Photography For What It's Worth
Digital Photography Miscellaneous Info
Digital Photography Fundamentals by Apple (PDF - 2.4 MB)
Nikon F5 Series SLR models - Various Metering Systems
Nikon Light Metering
Canon Camera Museum
Wikipedia Autofocus
Nikon Article on Autofocus
Do It Yourself
Dirkon, The Paper Camera
Lego Camera
High-Speed Visual Imaging
Camera Stabilizer
Depth of Field Machine
Extreme Macro Photography on a Budget
The Cookbook Camera Home Page
DIY Cameras
Visual Perception
Eye Design Book (includes animal visual systems)
Fluid Effect
Girlpower - Retouch
"Aniston Seething Over Redbook Cover."
NPPA Calls Newsweek's Martha Stewart Cover "A Major Ethical Breach." National Press Photographers Association, March 9, 2005.
Popular Culture: Is Seeing Believing?
Glenn C. Feron: The Art of Retouching
Touch of Glamour
Portrait Professional
Wayner, Peter. "Looking Perfect, One Pixel at a Time." The New York Times, April 26, 2007.