This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at

Lecture Notes

This page presents student notes captured during the term. Starting with the 2nd class, one student was assigned each week to write up their notes. These notes do not generally attempt to be 100% complete in coverage of all lecture topics; rather, they emphasize the context and relevant side topics that come up during the class discussion.  The student notes are presented courtesy of the students and used with permission.

Note the lecture topics and notes on this page follow the actual activities of the Fall 2008 term. These differed somewhat from the planned calendar outlined in the syllabus.

1 Introduction and fast-forward preview of all topics  
2 Modern optics and lenses; ray-matrix operations (PDF)
3 Virtual optical bench, lightfield photography, fourier optics, wavefront coding (PDF)
4 Digital illumination, Hadamard coded and multispectral illumination (PDF - 1.7 MB)

Motion invariance by xy sensor translation, depth invariance by z sensor translation

Motion blur (Lecture by Anat Levin, MIT)

6 Spectral imaging: multispectral imaging and thermal sensors, fluorescent imaging, 'audio camera' (Lecture by Ankit Mohan, course TA) (PDF)

Underwater photography (Lecture by Hanumant Singh, WHOI)

Theory of multiplex illumination

8 Cameras for Human Computer Interaction (HCI): 0-D and 1-D sensors, spatio-temporal coding, frustrated TIR, camera-display fusion

3D imaging: e.g. finger, pen, and gesture tracking (Lecture by Se Baek Oh, MIT)


Short presentations on final project pre-proposals

Useful techniques in scientific and medical imaging: CT scans, strobing, endoscopes, astronomy and long range imaging (Lecture by Douglas Lanman, Brown University)

Compressive sensing (Lecture by Ashok Veeraraghavan, MERL)

10 Mid-term exam  

Optics and sensing in animal eyes: what can we learn from successful biological vision systems? (Lecture by Quinn Smithwick, MIT)

Summary survey of optics (Lecture by Prof. Shinsaku Hiura, Osaka University)

12 Final project presentations