Now showing items 4-6 of 23

    • Organizational Ombudsman 

      Rowe, Mary; Williams, Randy (The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution, 2014)
    • The Organizational Ombudsman 

      Rowe, Mary; Gadlin, Howard (Oxford University Press, 2014)
      This chapter discusses the OO (organizational ombudsman) in the context of organizational conflict management systems (CMS). The OO is a confidential, neutral, internal resource--formally independent of line and staff ...
    • Dealing with—or Reporting—‘Unacceptable’ Behavior 

      Rowe, Mary; Wilcox, Linda; Gadlin, Howard (Journal of the International Ombudsman Association, 2009)
      People in organizations often see behavior that they think is unacceptable, unsafe, illegal—even criminal. Why do people who observe such behavior hesitate to act on their own, or to come forward promptly—even when affected ...