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dc.contributor.authorRowe, Mary
dc.descriptionNote: This was a revision of Mary P. Rowe, “Building Mentorship Frameworks as Part of an Effective Equal Opportunity Ecology,” in Sex Discrimination in Higher Education: Strategies for Equality, ed. Jennifer Farley (Ithaca, NY: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, 1981), 23-33. That article is also available in Dspace@MIT.en_US
dc.description.abstractEducational institutions need mentoring structures and everyone in them needs mentoring. This paper will discuss five major points in building institutional devices which help minorities find the multiple helping resources, which many people think of as "mentoring," and which are now seen by many people to be indispensable for career success. Each of these points may be seen as necessary, but not sufficient by itself to establish the supportive ecology in which excellent mentoring is available to blacks (and other people).en_US
dc.publisherProceedings of the First National Conference on Issues Facing Black Administrators at Predominantly White Colleges and Universitiesen_US
dc.subjectBlacks, mentoring, Blacks in higher education, equal opportunity, mentoring frameworken_US
dc.titleBuilding 'Mentoring' Frameworks for Blacks (and Other People) as Part of an Effective Equal Opportunity Ecologyen_US
dc.identifier.citationMary Rowe, "Building 'Mentoring' Frameworks for Blacks (and Other People) as Part of an Effective Equal Opportunity Ecology," in Proceedings of the First National Conference on Issues Facing Black Administrators at Predominantly White Colleges and Universities, 1982.en_US

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