Now showing items 4-6 of 96

    • 14.23 Government Regulation of Industry, Spring 2003 

      Pollitt, Michael (2003-06)
      The objective of this course is to introduce you to the role of government in markets where competitive equilibria “fail.” In this course we will emphasize the importance of market structure and industrial ...
    • 14.127 Behavioral Economics and Finance, Spring 2004 

      Gabaix, Xavier (2004-06)
      This course surveys research which incorporates psychological evidence into economics. Topics include: prospect theory, biases in probabilistic judgment, self-control and mental accounting with implications for consumption ...
    • 14.129 Advanced Contract Theory, Spring 2005 

      Izmalkov, Sergei (2005-06)
      This course focuses on recent developments in contract theory. Topics include: advanced models of moral hazard, adverse selection, mechanism design and incomplete contracts with applications to theory of the firm, ...